life is just so daily

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Medical Mayhem

Well goodness sakes, we are in the thick of it!! Last Friday Natalie got up at midnight and told me her cough was worse. When she came closer to me I noticed that her lips were blue and I asked her if she had a popsicle after dinner. She could barely get the word no out of her mouth. Her lips were blue because she couldn't breathe! I immediately opened the door to the 10 degree weather and stuck her in the doorway to help her airway open. I got dressed and scooped her up and flew to the hospital. Her o2 stats were at 90 even after the car ride in the cold. Of course she had croup. They took her back immediately and gave her a breathing treatment with steroids and eppinephrine in it. So now all of the kids are sick with fevers of 102+. I'm taking them all to the dr tomorrow.
Now on to me. I went to see a rheumatologist today about my joint pain. I don't have arthritis at all!! I have bursitis everywhere and fibromyalgia. Of course the treatment is simple. It's high dose of anti inflammatories, which I can't take. So he said that it will be a big problem for me. To receive a diagnosis for fibromyalgia there are 18 pressure points and 11 of them have to exude pain. I had all 18. My bursitis is in my hands, wrist, hips, elbows, knees, and feet. He gave me injections in my knees today and I already feel a little bit of relief! Hopefully my hemotologist will let me take celebrex. That would really help.


little miss shortcake said...

oh my goodness! so glad that natalie is ok and you knew what to do!

you are so good with keeping track of all of these conditions and medications. i have a headache from just trying to figure out how to get 1 prescription filled!

Marianne said...

I believe it's my calling. The bishhop had it all wrong, who needs a choir director when you could be doing this!

Jennifer said...
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Marianne said...

I can't take Juice Plus, remember. I asked my kidney doc about it and he said no way. It has too many vegetables that I can't have and my kidneys are still damaged.

Lisa said...

I hope you can take the celebrex. Even though it's an NSAID, it is a safe one to take for some reason. My doctor let me take it while on coumadin. And Juice Plus is definitely out of the question. I've seen that kidney diet, and Juice Plus would kill you!

Jennifer said...
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Marianne said...

Well I'm not willing to compromise my health. I'll trust the MD and not the sales pitch, I think we should just drop it.

Jennifer said...
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Lisa said...

Wow. Pretty insensitive, Jennifer. Why do you keep pushing it? And on blog comments? Neither Marianne nor I have been interested in Juice Plus before or after medical complications. There was maybe one month out of 12 when my blood was "monitored as usual" while on coumadin. Usual is getting your blood tested once a month. The blood's INR is very hard to stabilize on coumadin. Add in any kind of change or disruption, of which I had plenty, and you are in at least once a week getting your blood tested and constantly adjusting dosages to stabilize the INR. And the constant adjustments mean more side effects such as dizziness, which I had all the time. This was my routine for an entire year; along with appointments every single day for all of the doctors involved with everything that was going on and physical therapy. Sure, people on coumadin can take Juice Plus, but I wasn't interested in adding that in while on coumadin or off coumadin.

Marianne's situation is 100 times more complicated than mine was. She has absolutely no interest. Never has. So, why keep pushing it? Without a doctor on board, she could have serious complications and die. The renal diet is a dangerous thing to mess with. She's not going to go out and find a new doctor that is willing to work through that with her if she doesn't want to take it in the first place.

I think it's safe to say that you can cross me and her off your list. I definitely do not want to hear any more about Juice Plus, and neither does anyone in my family. Maybe you can relate better if you imagine how you felt when the garden guy's over excitement turned into harrassment. It feels a little like that. And the "lol" doesn't help.

Jennifer said...
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Jennifer said...
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Marianne said...

Seriously, just drop it or move it to personal emails.